If you have to connect a network cable to outlet or to computer, you have to connect the cable to a connector (RJ-45) with particular sequences.
There are 2 ways of connecting the cable to connector which actually just a simple A or B combination. Those both combinations are basically in the same sequences but only different on how you decide where the first one is. For example the cable number 1 in type A will be number 8 in type B.

 The picture in left shows the type B cable sequence, which mostly used and compatible with most peripherals ( I wonder why it's B). The side with pin is up, and the sequence number start from left. The type A will be the same sequence but the pin side will be upside down than type B.

The sequence itself is : White/Orange – Orange White/Green – Blue White/Blue – Green White/Brown – Brown (ex. White/Orange means cable with white and orange cable, etc.) Do this for the both ends of the cable to make a straight cable. There are 2 types of cable ends combination, straight and cross. Straight means both ends is in the same sequence while for cross cable, one end sequence has to be twisted with combination as :
Cable 1 to 3
Cable 2 to 6 

Other cable stands as normal sequence above. While the use of those 2 types are a little bit different as well. Straight Cable; used for connecting between Lan Card to Switch Hub, or normal use, as from client to server connection using switch hub. While Cross cable is to connect between client to client without using switch. 

Well it’s rarely happen, but maybe someday you’ll need to connect 2 computers and you don’t have a switch at the moment, you can just use a cross cable, instead.

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