If you have to connect a network cable to outlet or to computer, you have to connect the cable to a connector (RJ-45) with particular sequences.
There are 2 ways of connecting the cable to connector which actually just a simple A or B combination. Those both combinations are basically in the same sequences but only different on how you decide where the first one is. For example the cable number 1 in type A will be number 8 in type B.

 The picture in left shows the type B cable sequence, which mostly used and compatible with most peripherals ( I wonder why it's B). The side with pin is up, and the sequence number start from left. The type A will be the same sequence but the pin side will be upside down than type B.

The sequence itself is : White/Orange – Orange White/Green – Blue White/Blue – Green White/Brown – Brown (ex. White/Orange means cable with white and orange cable, etc.) Do this for the both ends of the cable to make a straight cable. There are 2 types of cable ends combination, straight and cross. Straight means both ends is in the same sequence while for cross cable, one end sequence has to be twisted with combination as :
Cable 1 to 3
Cable 2 to 6 

Other cable stands as normal sequence above. While the use of those 2 types are a little bit different as well. Straight Cable; used for connecting between Lan Card to Switch Hub, or normal use, as from client to server connection using switch hub. While Cross cable is to connect between client to client without using switch. 

Well it’s rarely happen, but maybe someday you’ll need to connect 2 computers and you don’t have a switch at the moment, you can just use a cross cable, instead.


To increase your selling you must have good marketing strategy and nice advertisement and it’s all very expensive. But still you have to do it unless your product will not be sold a lot.
But, if you have nice product but you are low in budget for marketing, you can sell your product using affiliate system, and in this case you will be an affiliate merchant. With this system, you can ask anybody to sell your product and to be affiliated with your company on selling your product, and the will get commissions when the product is sold. Very effective, isn’t it? Well this system is now growing up become an online marketing trend. Your product will be published and advertised in many blog or website all around the world and you will only pay when transaction is done, and I think there’s nothing better than this scheme when you are in limited budget for ads, right?
But, creating system to sell your product as affiliated is also not simple, because you will have to arrange some rules about this business, commission rule, record tracking, and many more which surely impossible for you right now to handle it. So, if you might heard about joining affiliate program to sell other products and get commissions, now you will can also joining company program to have your product sold using affiliate system, without you have to create the whole system from scratch.

Let find sales leads for you. Only pay when it works!

What you have to do is create an online shop website, and this will put you in merchant list, so affiliate marketing will put your link in their web or blog and make more possibility to lead visitors to your online shop and of course more chance to increase the sales. will arrange all of the system and rules between you and the affiliate marketing so you don’t have to worry about commissions rules or any dispute can happen between you and your affiliates, and the nicest thing is as it’s written, you only pay when it works, isn’t that awesome?
So why don’t you try it now, and increase your sales right away


Affiliate business, affiliate marketing, or whatever they call it, is could be a solution for us to get a breakthrough of getting extra money. If you looking for an extra money, you might have browse offer internet, and found a lot of advertisement about how easily to get the money. They said just by buying their application, books or become a member, you could be a millionaire instantly. In desperate condition, it sounds like a real breakthrough and you ready to reach your pocket to reach that dream, but please wait, and please don’t do that just yet.
Many ads you see in internet is mostly a scam. No matter how convincing they are, but we have to be very careful about this. Many scammer do not hesitate to create fancy expensive ads, involving actor and actress, fancy cars and big houses, just to make a fool of you. And please do believe that there’s no way that you can get rich instantly using internet just by doing nothing, it’s nonsense unless you cheat on your friend like this scammers do.
There are some tricks that they usually do doing scamming, but they always use one of common people weakness, our greedy side.

Victim get victim

This what you mostly see in the internet. Where you have to pay registration and buy an online product from them, and after that you will be asked you to advertise the same product to get another member. So this business is like selling product online, where actually the product is not even worthy to be called product. It’s like you are selling a book about cooking, but end up selling book about how to sell cooking book, without even mention about cooking anymore. And the money comes from registration, never comes from selling cookies from cooking.
2.       Money investment
There’s website called Profit Clicking, it has a very nice scheme, where you put some money (as usual) and they will give you profit like 2% a day. It sounds very promising right? But, instead of getting profit, usually they will disappear at the time they already have enough member paying. The early member sure will get profit, just to get another victim, it’s keep going like this, and without you realize you become one of them and associated with them to cheat on your friends.

3.       PTC (Paid to Click)
This is maybe a real money, but the problem is you have to do the work a lot. You have to click ads and you will be paid 0,001 cent per click, it’s very annoying, time wasting, and uncivilized. I’m sure you have more important thing to do than doing this stupid things every day.
Well, above are some of the scam you can find every day in internet and they keep showing with new innovation but the same non senses, targeting to broke you down. So be aware with that, and always consider that they are all scammers.
Some tips that you can learn from this phenomenon is that they always create great ad to get their victims, and usually they don’t have good website, or official office.
Usually they will ask you to pay for registration, which of course normal, but when there’s no product, so it means you’ve been robbed. Good business usually has product, and decent product, not just something that worth much less than what we paid for.

Finally, I just want to say that we have to be very careful before joining an online business scheme.
One thing that you can do, and for free is doing affiliate sales. Affiliate sales is like we open a shop without having a shop. We just like a middle man, and get commission from sales comes from our reference.  There’s many online shop or almost all online shop has affiliate programs, because advertising online is very effective and cheap. But since the target is very random, they need as much as they can get website to advertise their products. 

Doing this affiliate business, what we need is website or blog like this one, and you put ads of your affiliated company. If they have the program, they must ready with the tools to put their ad in your website or blog. You don’t have to worry about that, because company like amazon, lazada, alibaba, and many more have a very nice system to handle those administration thing. What we have to do is just create a nice blog or website with any contain you interested in, and try to get many visitors. The more visitor you get, the more chance you have that the visitors will click and buy something from our affiliated, and we will get commission. In this case, we have to create our blog or website as charming as we can, right?
Well, keep trying and stay away from the scammers.


 Maybe you have experienced that you had to print using legal paper, and you found out that the result was not as what you expected. Well, for your information, the size of legal paper mentioned in software sometime different with the actual size of the paper.
Just take a time to measure it manually. The legal paper in application like Microsoft Word is 8.5” times 14”, so measure your paper using ruler and make sure that the length is the same, because in some countries the length for legal paper is 13”.

In some new printers, there is a choice for US Folio which is 8.5” x 13”, so if you’re paper is 13” length then you can use this type instead of legal. And if you don’t have US Folio type in paper choices you have to create a custom size, you can do this in paper selection and click on more. Type the size to 8.5”x13” and name it what you want, and make sure you select this when you print in legal paper with 13” length paper.

Well, I hope this will help you to figure it out.


Sometimes you have to reinstall your PC or Laptop, right? and often you just don't know where's the hell is your driver disc. It happens a lot, and it's very annoying when you can't find the driver you need.
When the driver is not installed correctly, there's some problems could occur such as not optimal the performance of your pc, and even crash the whole system, which I’m sure not the first idea you reinstalling. Well, although most of the driver is can be loaded and detected by Wndows 7, but still sometimes you find some peripheral just not recognized. Usually you’ll see in the device manager as an unknown device, with yellow punch mark.

Device Manager Propery

There’s a simple way that you can try to solve this problem after trying some other things like opening the manual for the device type or ask the dealer to look for the correct driver, and when it’s all done and you still have the problem you can try to what I want to show you here.
First, just right click the device marked yellow in device manager, and simply click property. The propery block should be show up, and then click on Detail tabs, and scroll for hardware Id.
You will find some information there, and then you can just copy the first line or any line there, and paste it in google navigation box to search it. Usually, it will come up with information you need to find out what the type and brand of the device, where will make it easier for you to find and download the appropriate driver for that device.
Hope it works for you.


Have you ever got the problem with inserting javascript code into your blog? Well, if you are doing online affiliate business, you will find tools which is a javascript code that you can embed to your website or blog. If you look at the tutorial, the process of inserting this code until it appears in your web or blog can’t be more simple, but still, sometimes you get the problem with it, and you are not a javascript expert, and the answer you found in internet forums don’t give you any solution. Well, this could be your frustrating moment, right.
It happen also for me when I tried to embed an affiliate java script code from Lazada into my blog. I tried it few times, but nothing appears in my blog. I’m sure that the script they gave me must be perfect and tested, so I kept looking for the answer in the internet. Tried to change some code in script without knowing what I’m doing, and ended with no progress.
So finally, I came out with the idea that maybe the code is wrong, broken linked, or down, or something, because I see that the code is referring to a particular address.
For example :

<!-- Javascript Ad Tag: 331 -->
<div id="lazada331ZsZrk0"></div>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<noscript><iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" width="160" height="600"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- // End Ad Tag -->

This script is reside in a server with address, so the script is not really written in that code itself but hosted in an address elsewhere, so why don’t we tried to check this address instead.
Copy that address : (without the apostrophe )and paste it in your browser navigation, and go to it. If the page come with a result like :

document.getElementById("lazada331ZsZrk0").innerHTML = '<iframe src="" width="160" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>';

 Or anything like it, then it means that the java script is there, and it should be working, but it if it doesn’t come up with anything or page cannot be displayed message, apparently, the script is linking to an address which is broken, or the script cannot be reach, or anything making that script is not functioning. So that’s the problem. And instead of trying to figure it out, maybe we can just complain it to the provider to have it fixed.
Well, happy affiliating…


If you work in forex business you must be familiar with application MT4 (Meta Trader 4), this application is used to do all of things in this business online. You can buy or sell stock or currency, just with one click. Very effective and great application, that’s why it is now become one of a standard application used for forex company in the world.
This application is updated automatically as most great program does, and for last week something happen with all of the computer running Windows XP. I know, it’s a little weird, but some people just can’t let go this Windows XP for some reasons. Some people think Windows XP is so light and they don’t want to buy new version of Windows, or they don’t want to upgrade their PC, or sometimes they just don’t care about anything but this application running. Well, about last week, I don’t know which update triggered it, but all of the computer using Windows XP keep restarting when try to open MT4 application. At the first I thought that this must be a problem with hardware, until I found out that all computer is having the same issue. It keeps restarting once you click to run MT4. Well, after some effort I tried and information from Metaquotes, finally I found the solution for this problem, which what we have to do is just upgrade the service pack to version 3 or SP3. You must download the offline installer version though, since Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft, where you can’t update it online.
Well, after you upgrade it, everything is running normal again with MT4, although I’m not sure how long, so still, upgrade the Windows version is the best way to anticipate another problem like this in the future.